Louise Jones – Business owners in Market Harborough

Not many people can say they’ve worked in the world of celebrities, but Louise Jones can, and she cites years of experience of managing busy diaries for public figures as one of the key reasons behind her success as a Barking Mad franchise owner.
High flying careerWhen Louise originally moved to Leicestershire, she became PA to Rosemary Conley – a job she enjoyed for 15 years. As well as organising the exercise guru’s appointments and TV appearances, Louise was also integral to the production of Rosemary’s books and videos.
“It was a very busy but absolutely brilliant time,” said Louise. “It meant I had to be super organised, as I basically ran Rosemary’s life.
“While working for her, I had my two sons, taking a short career break after each. Rosemary had inspired me for many years and was instrumental in me opting to change tack, as she knew I had an entrepreneurial spirit. I wanted to balance motherhood and a career, so I became a Virgin V make up rep, holding parties in the evening while my husband cared for our children.
Following her role with Virgin V, Louise was head hunted to work for the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, an initiative created by the Dragons Den star to help young people start their own businesses.
What now?Louise had always wanted to run her own business and was sure she had the credentials and acumen to do it. At Christmas time in 2021, she raised the idea of franchising with her husband.
“Our sons had grown up and were no longer in school, so it felt like a good time to invest in myself and start to build a business,” she said. “I knew I definitely wanted to work with dogs – I just didn’t know what.”
Louise began Googling opportunities for franchise businesses and came across Barking Mad.
“What appealed to me,” she said, “was that I’d have a national brand backing me. Barking Mad was obviously a tried and tested model, with a brilliant reputation. It would be my business, but with extra support when I needed it.”
A new startPurchasing the Market Harborough franchise, Louise was working in a ‘virgin’ territory – an area which had never had a Barking Mad franchise before.
“I was starting from scratch, so I knew I had a lot of work to do,” she said. “But I had some help from a franchisee working close by who’d been looking after a few customers that would become part of my territory.”
A home for hostsLouise took to social media to spread the word about opportunities for hosts and received some enquiries via the Barking Mad website from people who were interested.
“That’s where the benefit of working with a national franchise brand comes in!” she said.
Most important to Louise was developing a diverse group of hosts, to suit dogs and customers with all types of needs.
“My eldest host is 84 and my youngest is 32, and each has different reasons for becoming a host. One of the best parts of the job is meeting people for the first time and understanding their ‘why’.”
Key learningsThough Louise had worked in some pressurised jobs, starting her own business from scratch was completely different and required a lot of learning in a short space of time.
“You must also be very organised, self-motivated and disciplined. When you go and see a customer, they’re buying into you, and they need to have 100% trust you’ll place their dog with someone who loves them as much as they do. You have to follow through on everything you promise, which is really important.
“I absolutely love being my own boss, having freedom and flexibility, and being in charge of my own destiny. The work I put in is for me, and for my hosts, and the success of the business depends on how hard I work. I’m prepared to give 110% to keep growing it, and I’m excited about where things can go.”
“Starting a franchise was a huge decision for me, but it’s one I’ll never look back on.”