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Meet Our Volunteer Dog Carer Host Families


November Dog Sitting Host Spotlight

Volunteer Dog Carer Barking Mad Hosts John And Meg Abraham

John and Meg Abraham love caring for doggy guests


Are you missing a dog in your life and looking for a volunteer dog carer role? If so, we have the perfect Barking Mad solution! Becoming a host for Barking Mad Dog Care allows you to enjoy the companionship of friendly dogs in your own home, at a time to suit you. Because we deal with all the administration and provide 24/7 support, it allows our hosts to concentrate on the important matters such as lovely walks and cuddles.

Each month we shine a spotlight on one of our fantastic host families to showcase the marvellous people who make up our dog sitting host community. This month Donna Cotton, owner-operator of Barking Mad Nottingham, couldn’t wait to nominate hosts John and Meg Abraham. We caught up with her and asked her to spill the beans about this inspirational couple!

How long have John and Meg been volunteer dog carer hosts?

“John and Meg have been hosts for about ten years now. They previously hosted for a different franchise area but joined me when I started my dog sitting business earlier this year.”

Tell us why John and Meg are the perfect hosts…

“They are just so committed to Barking Mad and have fully supported me from the start of my new business. They are very reliable and happy to have a wide variety of dogs to stay, loving all their different personality quirks. Most importantly though, they have a real love of dogs.”

Tell us about an occasion where John and Meg have gone above and beyond the call of duty…

“There isn’t just one occasion! John and Meg regularly attend local events with me and love to explain all about being a Barking Mad host to others. Their commitment to the dogs which they provide holidays for is exceptional.”


Ludo The Labrador Dog Who Enjoys Barking Mad Dog Holidays

Ludo enjoyed staying with John and Meg whilst on dog holiday

What do you think hosting means to John and Meg?

“Being volunteer dog carers means the world to John and Meg. They are truly genuine dog lovers that have exceptional loyalty to Barking Mad. Their own dog, Humphrey, loves having friendly visiting dogs to play with and both John and Meg really enjoy walking several times a day. Hosting for Barking Mad ensures that everyone gets plenty of exercise!”


Could you be a volunteer dog carer?


If you answered yes to the above questions, we would love to chat to you! Find your LOCAL BRANCH today and get in touch.

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